Custom Quantum Cascade Lasers and QCL Systems
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Turn-key Quantum-Cascade-Laser modules operating in the mid-infrared spectral
range between 3.5 µm and 14 µm is a specialty of Berlin-Adlershof-based company
Quantiox GmbH. For applications in optical analytics, bio-analytics, hyperspectral
imaging, and several new technologies in medicine, we provide milliwatt-power-level
modules that are optimized for your application. Watt-power-level modules are
designed for applications in laser processing technology, secure mid-infrared free-
space optical communication, stand-off detection, and DIRCM.
We look forward to working with you:info(at) Tel: +49 30 2093 7919, Fax: +49 30 2093 7659
Quantiox GmbH | Newtonstr. 15 | 12489 | Berlin-Adlershof | Germany